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Some pictures from the digging we spent 8 weeks doing

Carrying pipe to be laid at the next point in the line

Supporting the pipe with rocks underneath and backfilling overtop

Locals using tools to extract a large rock from the water line path


During our time there, Rosa was the best cook. She made a DELICIOUS chocolate cake, and also some kick ass guacamole. Here is the recipe I wrote down in my journal (in case I ever felt like trying to make it at home... which has yet to happen).

1 avacado
1 tomato
1 lime
1 onion

1. Peel tomato. Cut into quarters. Remove mushy stuff (very eloquent I know). Cut into small bits.
2. Peel and cut onion into small bits.
3. Cut lime in half and squeeze into bowl.
4. Add tomato, onion, salt to the lime
5. Cut avacado into quarters. Remove seed
6. Peel skin off, mush with fork
7. Mix into tomato concoction.


Assembly Line

One day in June we didn't go into Ciudad de Dios. Instead we went to where the springbox would be located up from the town that would filter the water. To construct the springbox we had to haul sand and gravel from the dropoff point to the box, which were not next to each other. We formed a chain and passed the buckets down it until it reached the box. I was exhausted doing this work because the buckets were quite heavy and awkward to carry. Compared to the digging and laying pipe this work was more difficult to me.